
Shawn Mock
All of my instructors were always willing to stay connected and help when I needed it. I could call them or text them questions even after hours, which was very helpful while I was studying.
"When I started looking for nursing schools my main focus was that I could get in and get it done while still getting a good education. I didn’t have to have any prerequisites to get into BTC’s RN program, and I could complete the gen-eds as I went through the program. Plus, the new facility was just really top notch as far as materials and access to things. "
“I hadn’t been in school for years and I was having a tough time in one of my classes. I went to Coach Gray and told him I just wasn’t catching the material and I’ve never failed anything in my life, but I feel like I might fail this. He just grabbed me and said, ‘You’re not going to fail this, you’re going to succeed.’ His confidence in me and helpfulness gave me what I needed to pass that class. All of my instructors were always willing to stay connected and help when I needed it. I could call them or text them questions even after hours, which was very helpful while I was studying.
My classmates and I always had the opportunity to get hands-on practice and one-on-one help and feedback. The fact that there was only like 30 of us in the program was very beneficial for everyone; I never felt like I was just someone in the crowd. It’s kind of cheesy, but you do become like a family. I mean you’re going through the same thing together so we may not all have the same opinions in life, but we all stand behind each other and encourage each other. I just felt like it was more of a family friendly atmosphere. I mean I went to school where the President knows everyone by name and goes out of her way to say ‘Hi’. To me, i don’t know, I can’t really put that into words.
When I started looking for nursing schools my main focus was that I could get in and get it done while still getting a good education. I didn’t have to have any prerequisites to get into BTC’s RN program, and I could complete the gen-eds as I went through the program. Plus, the new facility was just really top notch as far as materials and access to things. My first semester of the program was in the old school, and there was nothing wrong with the old location, but the current facility is definitely an improvement. BTC really prepared me for working in the field while not taking years to do it. I mean, there’s a lot to learn once you get out there, but as far as being comfortable and confident that I can practice safe nursing, I’ve never felt nervous or scared that I didn’t know what I was doing.”