Student Loan Forgiveness
Whether it’s $100 or $100,000, student loans are a pain. To better understand student loan forgiveness, watch the video above then follow the quick links to the right to find more details.
Many employers offer loan forgiveness to their employees. Not sure where to start? We’ve created a list of questions for you to take to your HR representative to get the ball rolling.
Questions to ask your HR department about student loan forgiveness:

• Do you offer any type of student loan forgiveness program (to pay for your loans after you’ve gotten a degree/certificate)?
• Do you offer any type of tuition reimbursement program (to help pay for college while you’re an active employee there)?
• Do you offer any type of student loan program (to help pay for a future degree/certificate)?
• Are you a PSLF-Qualifying (Public Service Loan Forgiveness) Employer ? If so, can you help me through the process of applying?
• Are there any other resources that you know of to help me with paying off my student loans?
We’re standing by to answer any questions you have about student loan forgiveness. We’ll help connect you to the right people to get the process started.
Wendy and Avril are available by phone, 417-777-5062, Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
After hours, email your questions to Wendy,