Meet Our January Spotlight: Shari Rush, RN
Meet Shari Rush, a dedicated nurse who graduated from the Professional Nursing (RN) program at Bolivar Technical College in 2019. In this insightful interview, Shari shares her journey from pursuing additional education to becoming a Psychiatric Nurse, Correctional Nurse, and In-Home Nurse. With a passion for phlebotomy and a desire for continuous learning, Shari reflects on the evolving landscape of nursing, offering valuable advice to aspiring nurses and emphasizing the importance of support in navigating the rewarding, yet challenging field of nursing.

Q: How has your nursing career progressed since you graduated? What positions have you held and what are your current responsibilities?
Shari: I am currently a Psychiatric Nurse, a Correctional Nurse and an In-Home nurse. I run my own medical unit and I have initiated free HIV treatment for inmates.
Q: Have you pursued additional education or certifications since graduating? If so, how have they enhanced your nursing practice and career prospects?
Shari: I’m about to graduate with my BSN. It does open additional doors for me, but I wanted the degree for myself.
Q: What influenced your decision to pursue a career in nursing?
Shari: My grandmother was an LPN and I wanted to make a difference and show my children what a tough woman looked like.
Q: Are there any particular moments or experiences in your nursing career that have stood out to you or shaped your professional growth?
Shari: When an inmate told me that he was glad to finally have a nurse that saw him as a person and not for what he did.
Q: Can you share an especially memorable time caring for a patient?
Shari: I advocated for a patient that had gangrene in his calf. Over a 6-month period of treating him, I was able to save his leg and heal his wound.
Q: How is working as a nurse different from what, as a student, you expected nursing to be?
Shari: I have been in the medical field for almost 20 years, so that part hasn’t changed. Having the respect of other people and having them trust the knowledge that you give them is surreal.
Q: Have you specialized in any specific area of nursing? If so, what drew you to that specialization, and what are the unique challenges and rewards it has brought?
Shari: Psych…. All medicine deals with psych. It has helped me to advocate for my patients and I have seen what medication and therapy has done for some of them. It is so life-changing and fantastic!
Q: How have you seen the nursing profession evolve since you graduated? Are there any significant changes or trends that you find particularly noteworthy?
Shari: Medicine is always changing, and I tell that to my staff often. I love that we never stop learning and growing as professionals.
Q: What advice would you give to current nursing students who are about to embark on their career path? Are there any key lessons or insights that you wish you had known when you were starting out?
Shari: Take it one day at a time, one test at a time, and know that no one is going to ask you what your grades were in school. They just want to know you are a caring and compassionate nurse, and that you know how to do your job correctly, so just breathe!
Q: What would you tell someone today that is trying to decide whether to go into the nursing field or not?
Shari: Make sure you have a lot of support. It is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done, but the reward is so worth it!
Q: Have you set any personal or professional goals for yourself within the nursing field? How do you plan to achieve them?
Shari: I’m just trying to finish my bachelor’s degree and take a breath myself. I’ve considered becoming a Nurse Practitioner for psych, and that may still be on my goal list.
Q: What is your favorite way to spend free time when you are not working as a nurse? Any special ways to de-stress? Fun hobbies to help unwind?
Shari: Spend time with my children and husband! I’m a total homebody.
Shari Rush’s inspiring journey in the nursing field displays her unwavering dedication, from advocating for patients to initiating impactful programs. As she continues to evolve professionally, Shari’s advice to take it one day at a time and prioritize compassion resonates leaving a lasting impression on both current and future nursing professionals. If you would like to share your story about any of our programs or would like to tell us what you’ve been up to since graduating, we would love to hear it! Just email Haleigh at with the subject line “Alumni Spotlight”.