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Meet our November Alumni Spotlight: Bailey Janes, BSN-RN

Meet Bailey, a dedicated nurse with a heart for healing and a passion for patient care, who found her calling in nursing after overcoming personal challenges and now specializes in wound care, bringing transformation and confidence to her patients' lives. Bailey graduated from the Professional Nursing program at Bolivar Technical College in 2020.

Meet Our October Spotlight: Nick Locke, MSN-NP

Nicholas Locke, NP graduated from the Practical Nursing program at Bolivar Technical College in 2011, then bridged to RN and graduated in 2013. He has gone on to do some exciting things in the healthcare field and even helped arrange a wedding in the hospital for his patients.  Let's dive into our interview and hear more about Nicholas and what fuels his love for emergency medicine. 

Meet our September Spotlight: Angel Seufert, BSN, RN

Angel Seufert, a compassionate nurse, embarked on a journey from LPN to RN, specializing in psychiatry, where she discovered the diverse shades of patient care, profound rewards, and groundbreaking advancements in the nursing profession, all while cherishing her family and finding serenity in the great outdoors. Angel graduated the Practical Nursing program at Bolivar Technical College in 2013, then returned for the RN Bridge program and graduated in 2017.

Empowering Dreams: BTC RN Bridge Students Awarded Alumni Scholarship for Summer Semester 2023

The pursuit of education has the power to transform lives and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Bolivar Technical College (BTC) has always been committed to fostering academic excellence and supporting our students' ambitions. As part of this commitment, BTC proudly awarded eight deserving students the 2023 BTC Alumni Scholarship to apply toward their summer semester.

Meet our August Alumni Spotlight: Peter Farrell, RN

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Peter Farrell, an RN who graduated from Bolivar Technical College in 2015. Peter has been in some adventurous roles as a nurse and can shed light on some different opportunities you might not think about. Check out his interview!

Meet our July Alumni Spotlight: Meranda Nunez, MA

We sat down to catch up with Meranda Nunez, a Medical Assistant graduate of BTC in 2016! She has been shocked at all that she's able to do as an MA and the wide variety of opportunities in the heatlhcare field. Thanks for sharing your story, Meranda!

RN Class of 2023 Graduates and Joins BTC Alumni Association

The Professional Nursing (RN) Class of 2023 comprised a diverse group of talented individuals, each with unique backgrounds and aspirations. The graduates, hailing from various towns including Bolivar, Aurora, Springfield, Buffalo, El Dorado Springs, Jerico Springs, Lebanon, Ozark, Billings, Marshfield, Osceola, Strafford, and Urbana, showcased their determination and commitment to the nursing profession and their communities. 

BTC grads recently awarded the DAISY award through CMH

Three BTC grads were named DAISY Award winners through CMH in the fall of 2022. Casey Dampier, LPN, with CMH Orthopedic & Spine Center, is the August 2022 recipient; Chantel Carter, RN, with CMH Home Care Services is the October 2022 recipient; Darian Morris, RN, with CMH Med/Surg is the December 2022 recipient.

More seats equals more nurses!

Many of you are probably experiencing a number of challenges from having a shortage of nurses in your facility. As a college, we want to do our part in helping fill those positions, so we applied for an increased number of seats in our Professional Nursing (RN) program! We’re thrilled to announce, the Missouri Board of Nursing has approved 31 additional seats for students in the RN program beginning in August 2022. The additional seats will allow for a potential 62 nursing students to graduate every May, beginning in May 2024.

We finally did it.

For years, our students and alumni have told us to add the next level of education, a Bachelors degree program. Here are 7 things you need to know about the BTC RN to BSN Completion program.

Meet your Alumni Representative, Katie

“I’ve enjoyed working with the current students at BTC,” Katie told us. “I’m excited to get to know the graduates and be a way they can stay connected with BTC.” Whether you graduated BTC 1 year ago or 15 years ago, Katie is on campus to help you.

Text 417-771-3543 to chat with an Admissions Rep.