Meet Our March Alumni Spotlight: Kimberly Gage, RN
Kimberly Gage, a 2015 RN graduate of Bolivar Technical College, has built a dynamic and fulfilling career in nursing, evolving from bedside care to leadership in hospital coding and Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI). Inspired by her aunt’s passion for nursing, Kimberly began her journey in Med-Surg before exploring Geri-Psych, Case Management, and Utilization Review. Now serving as the manager of hospital coding and CDI at Citizens Memorial Hospital (CMH), she finds fulfillment in improving documentation and ensuring patient stories are accurately told while continuing to apply her nursing expertise in a non-traditional yet impactful role.
Q: What influenced your decision to pursue a career in nursing?
Kimberly: I had an aunt who was a nurse that worked in long term care. She loved her career and influenced me to become a nurse.
Q: How has your nursing career progressed since you graduated? What positions have you held, what was your favorite and why? And what are your responsibilities in your current position?
Kimberly: I started as a new grad working Med-Surg, then I transferred to Geri-Psych. A few years into my nursing career I transferred away from the bedside and worked in Utilization Review and Case Management. My department then implemented CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement) and I became the dedicated CDI specialist at CMH. I am now the manager of hospital coding and CDI.
Q: Have you specialized in any specific area of nursing? If so, what drew you to that specialization, and what are the unique challenges and rewards it has brought?
Kimberly: I have specialized in documentation improvement. The draw was my love for piecing together the patient’s story from their chart. I enjoy investigating and looking for opportunities to improve physician documentation.
Q: Are there any moments or experiences in your nursing career that have stood out to you or shaped your professional growth?
Kimberly: I’ve watched the nursing field change so much over the years and I’ve had several moments as a bedside nurse where I felt undervalued and overwhelmed with no support. Seeking opportunities away from bedside nursing allowed me to find a career that I love and still use my nursing degree.
Q: Can you share an especially memorable time caring for a patient and why that sticks with you?
Kimberly: I had so many memorable experiences in Geri-Psych; that is a patient population that I miss. They teach patience and compassion.
Q: How is working as a nurse different from what, as a student, you expected nursing to be?
Kimberly: I expected to always be at the bedside caring for patients. While in school, I had no idea of the number of different roles you could work in as a nurse.
Q: Have you pursued additional education or certifications since graduating? If so, why did you pursue it and how has it enhanced your nursing practice and career prospects?
Kimberly: I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and my CPC. I pursued my bachelor’s to further my career, and my CPC when I accepted my management position.
Q: How have you seen the nursing profession evolve since you graduated? Are there any significant changes or trends that you find particularly noteworthy?
Kimberly: I’ve seen nurses sacrifice more and more of themselves. I do like to see new nurses take their mental health into consideration and set healthy work/home life boundaries. That is something that is so important and I don’t feel is encouraged enough.
Q: What is your favorite way to spend free time when you are not working as a nurse? Any special ways to de-stress? Fun hobbies to help unwind?
Kimberly: Hiking, camping, weightlifting and spending time with my family. Setting physical fitness goals and exercising has become a go-to to de-stress.
Q: What would you tell someone today that is trying to decide whether to go into the nursing field or not?
Kimberly: I would say it is so worth it. Stay open-minded, be willing to change and try new things and you will end up exactly where you are meant to be.
Kimberly’s journey is a testament to the diverse opportunities within the nursing profession and the importance of staying open to new paths. Her passion for continuous growth and dedication to improving patient care through documentation serve as an inspiration to future and current nurses alike.
If you would like to share your story about any of our programs or would like to tell us what you’ve been up to since graduating, we would love to hear it! Just email Haleigh at with the subject line “Alumni Spotlight”.